Firing Up Cancer
24 – 26 June 2015

Call for Papers


Abstract submission is now open!

Abstract categories


Abstracts should fit into one of the following sessions and topics:

A - Hyperthermia in the clinic 

A1 - Clinical studies

A2 - Regional hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) & whole-body hyperthermia

A3 - Thermal—high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) & radiofrequency—ablation

A4 - Nanotherapy


B - The biology of hyperthermia

B1 - Tumor immunology & heat-shock proteins

B2 - Thermal radiobiology

B3 - In vitro & in vivo model systems


C - The physics and engineering of hyperthermia

C1 - Applicator development

C2 - Hyperthermia devices, including radiofrequency & microwave devices

C3 - Hyperthermia treatment planning 

C4 - Nanoparticles and liposomes 

C5 - High intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU)

C6 - Invasive & non-invasive thermometry

Abstract Submission


Please use the following Word template for your abstract.

Detailed instructions are provided in the template, but note that abstracts should not exceed 500 words. The abstract must contain enough information for the reviewers to judge the originality and quality of the work.

When submitting you abstract to, please include in the email subject the topic that pertains to your work, chosen from the codes listed under Abstract Categories (e.g., ESHO2015 abstract - topic A1). If you are unsure which topic is the most appropriate, please indicate the two or three most relevant ones. 

Please also note the following rules: 

  • At least one of the authors listed must be registered to attend the conference
  • Each attendee may present one paper only
The abstracts will be reviewed by members of the local scientific committee, and authors will receive a personal email to inform them of the acceptance or the rejection of their submission. 

Instructions for Authors


Instructions for oral presentations

  • Invited speakers: 20 minutes presentation + 10 minutes for questions
  • Regular speakers: 8 minutes presentation + 2 minutes for questions

Both Mac and Windows operating systems will be available for presentations formatted as PowerPoint, KeyNote, or pdf files. Speakers are requested to upload their presentations at the latest during the break prior to the session in which they are scheduled to present and check that their slides display as expected.


Instructions for poster flash presentations

Selected authors will be given an opportunity to summarize the content of their posters in 3 minute flash presentations. Authors are free to decide whether to use visual support in the form of slides, in which case, the instructions provided under "Instructions for oral presentations should be followed.

All speakers are kindly requested to respect the schedule and to adhere to the allocated times.


Instructions for posters

Posters should be printed in A0 format.

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